Clan Rules

#Walk With Us

Simple Rules to Clash By
Farm War Aliance

  1. Make sure your war base is FWA compliant.  Failure to follow the war base standards set by FWA will result in penalties against the clan.  For this reason, if your active war base does not follow our War Base Requirements, you will be demoted to the role of Member and not allowed to war until all issues are resolved.  Not sure how to build an FWA War Base for your Town Hall level?  No problem!  We have provided links for you on our War Base Requirements page that will automatically build your war base for you.

  2. If you are a New Member or have been demoted to the role of Member for a war base design violation, you have 24 hours to have your war base design reviewed and approved by a Co-Leader.  Upon successfully completing your FWA compliant war base, you will be promoted to the role of Elder and will be eligible to participate in wars.  If you are unable to reach the role of Elder within 24 hours, you will be removed from the clan.

  3. All clan members are required to maintain a minimum amount of troops donated AND troops received of 1,000 troops EACH per season. Beyond the minimum, all clan members are expected to keep their donation : receive ratio as close to 1:1 as they can.  Maintaining a donation : receive ratio within 25% of a 1.0 will hold your donation status as Excellent.  Maintaining a ratio within 50% will hold a status of Good, and anything else will hold a status of Poor.  We are a farming clan which requires heavy participation from everyone to donate troops to fellow clan members.  Dependently, clan members cannot donate if others are not requesting.  Hence the 1:1 ratio requirement.  Your ability to participate in wars is heavily dependent on your donation status.  Clan members with the highest level of donations and who hold an Excellent donation status will be selected for war first.  Those with a Good donation status will have second priority on war participation and those with a Poor donation status will have the lowest priority when it comes to being selected for war and are at risk of being removed from the clan.  Request as much as you give and give a lot.

  4. To give everyone an equal chance to donate, do not request specific levels for troop donations.  Due to the level of our clan, all donations are automatically increased by two levels.

  5. Never place troops in the defensive clan castles of #Walk With Us war bases during Preparation Day.  The purpose of FWA is to loot war bases during war with the lowest amount of expenditure of resources on troop composition as possible.  Having to burn troops to clear a defensive clan castle would go against that goal.

  6. Read the clan mail every time you log into Clash of Clans.  Failure to do so will put you at risk of being removed from the clan.  We are a global clan with members from all over the world.  The only way leadership can hope to reach everyone (especially those in other time zones) is to communicate via the clan mail.

  7. Never change your war base from the FWA approved war base unless explicitly asked to do so by clan leadership.  Even if our clan matches against a non-FWA clan, we keep our bases in the FWA design.  The only time we ever switch to a defensive war base design is if we have matched with an FWA blacklisted clan.  Leadership will know when this situation occurs and will give explicit instructions on when to switch your war base to a defensive design and when to switch it back to the normal FWA design.  Switching your active war base from the approved FWA war base design will result in immediate removal from the clan.

  8. Follow the rules outlined below for win versus loss wars.  FWA wars are designed to match against other FWA clans.  Wins and losses are determined by a point system based on wins, losses, rewards, and sanctions.  The clan with the most points takes the win.  In the event of a tie, FWA has high and low sync tie breakers that are understood by the clan leadership of all FWA clans.  As an Elder, you don't need to worry about how the win is determined, simply make sure to read the clan mail before ever conducting a war attack.

  9. Win Match Rules - 3-star your enemy clan mirror on your first attack within the first 18 hours and 2-star either enemy base #1 or #2 only AFTER the base has been 3-starred by its mirror.  For clarification, a mirror base is the same enemy rank number base that you have on the home war field.  If JoeClasher is the #3 base on the #Walk With Us home war field, his mirror is the #3 enemy base during Battle Day.  If you prefer to earn stars instead of loot (this is probably the wrong clan for you), you are free to 3-star any base after the 18-hour mark has passed.

  10. Loss Match Rules - 2-star your enemy clan mirror on your first attack within the first 18 hours and 2-star either enemy base #1 or #2 only AFTER the base has been 2-starred by its mirror.  For clarification, a mirror base is the same enemy rank number base that you have on the home war field.  If JoeClasher is the #3 base on the #Walk With Us home war field, his mirror is the #3 enemy base during Battle Day.  If you prefer to earn stars instead of loot (this is probably the wrong clan for you), you are free to 2-star any base after the 18-hour mark has passed.

  11. Failure to attack your mirror for the first attack in war will result in a 2 war ban for the first violation and places the clan member at risk of removal from the clan for multiple violations.  If someone has already hit your mirror before your first attack you must STILL attack your mirror for your first attack.  Make sure to get those attacks in; even on a loss match.

  12. Only Co-Leaders and our Leader are allowed to kick members.  If you have a concern with another member or would like to inquire about making room to invite a new member, please speak with the clan leadership. Any Elder that kicks another player will be removed from the clan.

  13. Be polite and friendly.  This clan has absolutely NO tolerance for bullying or shaming other members.  Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.  Failure to do so will result in your immediate removal from the clan.  Additionally, please do not curse or use foul language in the chat.  If your vocabulary is negative or limited, your time with the clan will be as well.

  14. Use all Clan Capital Raids.  Every weekend, during the open Clan Capital raid period, every member is expected to use all 5 (or 6 if an extra raid is earned) raids and contribute all raid rewards back into the Clan Capital bases.

  15. Co-Leader and Leader decisions are final.  #Walk With Us leadership are here to help you; however, every now and then they are required to make a decision in efforts to protect the clan.  Please don't argue.

  I have read the rules.