War Base Design

#Walk With Us

FWA War Base Requirements
Please Read Carefully

The FWA require the members of each clan to use the style war base pictured below for specific town hall levels. They are designed to allow an easy 3 star attack.

There should be four distinct non-overlapping sections in the base, each section containing at least one corner of the Clash map except for the Traps section, which must be fully enclosed with walls.

Also, you may not have any base design that is abusive, threatening, obscene, or racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable. Failure to correct an abusive, threatening, obscene, or racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable base could cause sanctions for our clan if the offending player is not kicked out.

The Town Hall section should include all non-damage-dealing buildings, air defenses, air sweepers, and both the Eagle Artillery and the Town Hall. For TH11, the Town Hall and Eagle Artillery should be next to each other and touch the border. For TH12, the town hall must be in the corner with 5 spaces clear and the Eagle Artillery in the opposite end with storages.

The King section must have cannons, mortars, xbows (that are set to “ground” only), empty clan castle, bomb towers and the Barbarian King. This section will be easy to take out with a few minions or other flying troops.

The Queen section must have wizard towers, teslas, archer towers, Archer Queen, Grand Warden, Royal Champion, scattershot and inferno towers (set to “single target” mode). The Archer Queen, Grand Warden, Royal Champion, Scattershots, and both infernos must be located on the edge of the section. This section should be moderately easy to take out with a few giants, wizards, or with barbs, archers, and a heal spell. Walls should not hinder troop deployment around this section.

The Traps section should be completely walled in and contain all the traps except for hidden teslas, which should be in the Queen section. Skeleton traps should be set to “air” mode (bat wings pictured), and all traps’ entire range must be enclosed inside the walls.

Base Links:

You can use the links below to automatically build your FWA War Base. To use the automatic build, ensure you have the Clash of Clans game open on your device before clicking on the link below for your Town Hall Level.
Town Hall 16
Town Hall 15
Town Hall 14
Town Hall 13
Town Hall 12
Town Hall 11
Town Hall 10
Town Hall 9
Town Hall 8

Town Hall 16
Town Hall 15
Town Hall 14
Town Hall 13
Town Hall 12
Town Hall 11
Town Hall 10
Town Hall 9
Town Hall 8